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Publishing Services

Publishing Services

To follow is a list of the Publishing Services I currently offer, as well as a description of each. I always customize my services to each writer's needs, and create packages based on their unique situation. If you are interested in working with me on your writing project, please fill out the form below. Thank you.

In addition to the services listed above, I work with a network of experienced professionals—from editors to book designers—who  can help you realize  your dream of becoming a published author... in the most professional way possible.

Writing Coaching

Good writing makes for a good book. To help you hone your voice as an author, I have developed specific strategies to help you identify what type of author you are or want to be.

Publishing Management

Publishing is a multi-layered process and anything but linear. To do it right, you need a guide to help you manage everything along the way.

Content Development

Ideas are made better when they are explored and developed together. I ask critical questions to help you develop your content in a more meaningful way.

Promotion Consulting

Writing a book ends when you write the last words. Promoting your work is a lifelong endeavor. Knowing what to do–and when–makes it easier.


Editing is one of the most important aspects of being a good writer, and yet it's a step that's often overlooked. I can show you tips and tricks to make editing part of your writing process.

Being An Author

Being an author is about more than writing books. My goal is to help you understand what it means for you, specifically.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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